Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Meditation Station

In the past year, I've learned that meditation is very beneficial for lots of reasons. I started meditating when I did 8 Weeks to Wellness with a CD that gave me directions on how to breathe, what to do, etc. After falling asleep the first few times, I finally got it figured out. I find that meditating gives me mental clarity, helps me concentrate more, forget about the little stuff that happens in a day, cheers me up if I am "down", and helps me relax before bed. 

Sometimes it's hard to find time or a place to meditate in our crazy house, especially if the male creatures of our family are awake. This led me to create a "Meditation Station" which is a portable tub of stuff that helps me wind down for the day. While most of my meditating comes from quiet music and repetitive breathing, I also have included some other quiet activities in the tub when I need some time to reflect. Here's what I have included:

My Bible, a Smash Folio journal, a small book I put sermon notes in,  fun items for my journal (flower cards, thank you notes, fun photos, etc.), some scrapbook paper/markers/glue sticks, and anything I love but don't know where else to put it. I highly recommend a  Smash Folio--they are tons of fun and very inspiring! 
Everything I need fits into this tub. I added a clip-on timer in case I get really "zoned out".
This is a great way for me to slow life down, reflect on all the blessings I have, and relax my mind, body, and soul at the end of the day. Add the meditation station with Deepak Chopra on Pandora, and I am ready for my mind-soothing moments. 

Give it a try! I know your brain and body will thank you! 

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