Friday, September 7, 2012

Flu Shot Facts: Read This Before You Get Yours

Q.  Does my family need the flu shot?

A. We now are starting to see the annual advertisements and scare tactics used for the seasonal flu and flu shot.  It’s interesting how the flu takes a “break” during the spring and summer. Our community needs to understand their choices and options. It’s important because they have now combined the H1N1 and the regular flu shot into one.   It’s ok to ask questions. Here are a few;

 What are the ingredients in the flu shot? The flu, Thimerisol (Mercury derivative) fertilized chicken embryos, detergents, antibiotics, and sucrose to name a few. (–

How do these side effects differ from getting the flu? Side effects of the flu shot; Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given, Fever (low grade), body aches, runny nose, wheezing, headache, vomiting, sore throat, and cough to name just a few.  –CDC If you or your child has ever had a reaction to a shot; you need to tell your doctor so that it is documented. They estimate that only about 2% of all adverse reactions are reported.  You can go to for more information.

What are healthy alternatives to the flu shot that have been shown to be more effective than the flu shot?
Chiropractic adjustments; a healthy nervous system equals a healthy immune system.
Vitamin D, there is an abundant of information about the effectiveness of Vit. D and preventing the flu. You can pick up Vit. D drops at your local health food store or at most local Chiropractors’ offices. You should take about 5000-10000 IU/day.
Get plenty of rest, drink more water, exercise, get a massage, and other stress reduction techniques. Not only will these techniques help prevent the flu, they’ll make you healthier overall. Remember, the flu shot is NOT mandatory, no matter what anyone says. Be educated and make your decision after learning all the facts.

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