Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rotavirus Letter

I've been asked about Rotavirus often this past week so I thought I'd share the email response Dr. Wes and I share with families. 

Thoughts on Rotavirus (or any illness)...
The primary goal of prevention or restoring health is having a strong & healthy immune system. The best way to achieve that is through chiropractic adjustments and making sure the body is able to heal itself. Our boys get adjusted once a week in the office and more at home if needed. Typically we see the healthiest kids in our office come in one-two times per month. Here's a link to the research behind chiropractic care and immune function--it's important to see why it works  
Second--nutrition. If you think anyone in the house is getting sick or exposed to illness, cut out all inflammatory foods--especially wheat and dairy. When the body has excess inflammation to deal with, it cannot remove the toxins as easily and those little viruses/bacteria take residence inside the body. Bacteria feed off of sugar and will multiply much quicker with excess sugars in the body. Plan meals with lots of good proteins and veggies, and then throw in some fruit if needed.  
Third--Supplements. Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements you can take to boost immune function and overall health. Dr. Wes recommends 400IU for kids under 2, 800-1000 for kids aged 2-5, and 5000-10000 IUs for the adults.  You can get good quality drops or capsules from Waukee Wellness or Campbells.  
Overall, it's so important that everyone in the house (and ideally daycare too) is being proactively healthy. Illness can be transmitted from person to person, and those people may or may not have the symptoms. Keeping everyone at optimal health is key! 

Check out this link on the Rotavirus Vaccine.

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