Friday, April 12, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Pinterest

Our office (well, me specifically) loves Pinterest. We've found some awesome recipes and helpful hints for our home. We've planned cheap birthday parties and found new ways to play with our kids.

However, we often see people pinning things that just make us cringe. Here are a few of the bad and ugly pictures on Pinterest...

Carcinogens, toxins, and chemicals! 
Just look at all these toxic chemicals!!! This one is exceptionally painful for me to look at because I can only imagine what tiny bodies are taking baths in tubs cleaned with this stuff and eating off of counters scrubbed with this stuff. Ick! Solution--Norwex. If you don't own any Norwex, buy it. Or clean with water and vingear. 
Hydrogenated Oils, BPA in Cans, and Processed Foods! 
I love a great organization system just like any other mom does, but this one is a double-whammy. There are tons of processed crackers, cereals, snacks, cans, peanut butter, and chemicals on these shelves. These foods will make you and your family unhealthy at a very rapid pace. 

This one isn't quite as bad, but there are many pins on Pinterest that claim a workout or snack or meal is "healthy". We get frustrated because it gives people false hopes on what healthy is. Pinterest is quickly becoming as credible as mainstream news shows. In this particular picture, we'd leave off popcorn (it's a grain), nonfat cottage cheese (eat fat!), Peanut Butter (unless it's PB2), Fruit Smoothies, Frozen grapes in moderation, Mangoes, SOY anything, bean salad, Sugar Free Jello (artificial sweeteners = neurotoxins), nonfat yogurt (eat fat!), and most protein bars as the main source of protein is GMO Soy

What's the good on Pinterest? Check out Waukee Wellness' Pinterest Page and be assured that the pins there are of good quality! 

Happy Pinning! 

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