Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hunting and Gathering--How the Nyberg's Grocery Shop

When I was a 5th grade teacher, I always enjoyed teaching about Native Americans, pilgrims, and Thanksgiving. I feel like so early settlers--trying to figure out the best way to get food and where to find it. Do I grow it? Trade for it? Is it in season?

I am a hunter-gatherer grocery shopped. I bet at least once a weeks someone asks us, "So what do you think of the new Whole Foods?" The truth? I love it. What about Trader Joe's? I love it. What about the new Hy-Vee? I love it. What about Gateway Market? I love it. Costco? I love it. 

I typically make a few trips for food each week because 1) I have three guys and a dog in the house, and 2) we need fresh food. Hunting and gathering works well for this lifestyle because I can visit a few different stores throughout the week and get what I need. If you think this sounds expensive, I would love to compare budgets with you. I bet I spend FAR LESS on eating healthy than most families spend on the Standard American Diet (SAD)!!

Each store offers different things that I need to make sure our family eats healthy. I love to make protein snack mixes, but I can't get everything at one store. Here's the recipe and where to gather your supplies at:

Protein Mix

  • Beef Jerkey free from Nitrates--Trader Joe's. It's the only place I found with decent packaged jerky. Cut it up into small pieces.
  • Dried Fruit--Unsweetened--Also from Trader Joe's. I LOVE dried strawberries and I always cut them up too.
  • Nuts--Raw from the Hy-Vee Health Market, Trader Joes, or Gateway Market. You can get these as a bulk item, but those bins always make me nervous. How long has the food been in those things?
  • Seeds--Raw, unsalted--anywhere. 
  • Raw Coconut--Gateway Market. 
Mix about a cup of each ingredient in a large bowl. Then put into small snack containers. I keep mine in my work bag, the kitchen for snacking, in my purse, and in my front seat. That way I don't feel tempted to get something fast and junky. I'm sure there is a good formula for fats to proteins to carbs to follow, but I don't for these snacks. Rebel! 

Sometimes I get groceries at Target, but I can never get a week's worth of groceries only there. If I need to get everything at one place, I usually hit Hy-Vee Health Market on Wednesdays when everything is on sale. If you want good beef, check out their Health Market freezer. I bet I could get everything at Whole Foods, but I'm just not in that area often and the store overwhelms me. Actually, the shoppers overwhelm me. I need to go once by myself to research the store more. 

Oh, and if you aren't familiar with Prudent Produce Organic Delivery Service--check them out TODAY! (I'm currently watching our two year old dig through today's delivery for fresh bananas and apples.) 

Where do you like to shop? One store? Many stores? 


Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Burmese Adopted Family

The families are refugees from Myanmar ( Burma ).They were resettled to the US in 2010 by the help of UNHCR.  They first came and resettled at Huston, TX and later moved to Des Moines, IA.The mother is a pregnant woman and expected to have a new baby in the end of December. 
The family needs winter clothing ,coats, gloves and snow boots.They also need bed sheets.  All of the clothing sizes should be the Medium sizes according the ages.

1.San Ceu ( Father ) 28 years old-- 1) Medium Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size M 3) Medium Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 10 5) warm pants, size M

2.Mary Khim Vum ( Mother ) 28 years old -- 1) Medium Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size M 3) Medium Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 10 5) Pants size 8

3.Sui Hlawn Par ( Daughter ) 8 years old--1) Medium Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size 8 3) Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 9  5) Pants size 8 6) Toy or Art Set

4.San Lian Hmung ( Son ) 5 years old--1) Shirt size 5/6, 2) Winter Coat size 6 3) Medium Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 1  5) Pants size 6  6) Boy Toy 

5. 1) 0-3 month Baby Unisex Sleeper   2) Baby Toy (newborn) 

6. Family Gift Tag--Bed sheets

The second Family are:

1.Siang Ling Khenglawt ( Father ) 29 years old----1) Medium Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size M 3) Medium Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 10 5) warm pants, size M

2.Bawi Nun Khim ( Mother ) 21 years old  --1) Medium Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size M 3) Medium Gloves 4) Snow Boots size 10 5) Pants size 8

3.John Za Hre Thang ( Son ) 19 months old--1) 2T Sweater/Sweatshirt, 2) Winter Coat size 2T 3) Gloves  5) Pants size 2T 6) Toy 

4. Family Bed Sheets

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Year's Resolutions...NOW?!?!

Q. Yes, you should be thinking of 2013 goals, NOW!

A. Just like diets and fad workout programs, resolutions usually never work. How many times have you said to yourself, “this year I’m going to lose 10 lbs and start living healthier,” or, “I’m going to finally take care of those headaches” Most of us only talk and not enough are taking action. Most of us have great intentions but somewhere down the line, we get “busy.” This may seem early, but NOW is the time to start making goals for next year. That way when next year hits, you’re ready to go. Make 2013 the year of ACTION! I saw a statistic that said for every $1 you spend on medication you can expect to pay $1 on treating side effects for that medication. Insurance premiums and co pays are increasing and your benefits are decreasing. Enough is Enough!

Your health is a savings account; you must invest early and continue to make deposits. This “Health account” will grow over time and save you and your family thousands of dollars in the future by keeping you out of the hospital, off unnecessary medications, and functioning at a high level. Living a balanced life and making good lifestyle choices are the key to having a healthier life. You might have all the ideas to get healthy, but do you have the internal motivation and know WHAT to do? 8 Weeks to Wellness is the leading healthcare program in the US. 

This is NOT a weight loss program; this is a lifestyle change program.  For 8 Weeks you will receive, 2 Chiropractic adjustments/week, one hour massage/week, 2 personalized training sessions/week, a nutrition program and guided meditation all customized to fit your life and goals. Go to 8ww.com for more information and the nearest 8WW wellness center near you. Stop talking and start doing! Make the commitment to a healthier life.

Friday, November 9, 2012

I'd like to learn about...

We spend a lot of time researching, reading, listening, sharing, and discussing all of the latest in health care news. I tend to gravitate towards topics that directly impact me and my family like nutrition, mammograms, and preventing illness. 

The latest topics on my research list are:

  • Cleanses. We are the only modern culture that doesn't routinely cleanse our bodies, the sickest culture, and the culture with the most toxic bodies. Whenever I try to find information or reviews about cleanses, I find a lot about weight loss and water loss, but not much about the actual cleansing of the body. 
  • Alkaline and Acidity in our bodies/pH Testing. We started learning about this at SuperConference in September, but need to learn more about the implementation of it for our family. Look for more about this after the first of the year in our office!
  • Mammograms. My mother is a breast cancer survivor so this is a topic that is so important to me personally. I don't think mammograms are entirely safe, but I'm researching my options to find which is the safest and most reliable. 
What's Dr. Wes learning about? He is spending time in San Antonio with the creators of 8 Weeks to Wellness learning the latest information about nutrition, exercise, spinal care, and relaxation. We can't wait to share what he learned with you!

Any ideas for us? We'd love to hear from you!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Worst Picture Of Me. Ever.

My hubby said "Katie, I think you need more fiber".  
Did the title catch your attention? I decided to publicize my worst picture ever because of the story that goes with this picture. Why do I look like this? I completed several rounds of deadlifts, rope climbs, bear crawls, and running with sandbags on my back. Evidently this is my "deadlift" face. Completing this workout with the best partner I could imagine (my hubby) and for such a wonderful cause makes this one of my favorite pictures of all time.

This picture was taken at my Crossfit gym's Operation Justice Fundraiser. In this partner workout, we had to do many different movements. It was the first time I've participated in an athletic event since high school (unless Sunday co-ed softball counts). It was the first time I've ever run with sandbags on my back. It was the first time I've been in a setting where people were watching me workout. It's the first time I've had tons of people cheering me on. The best thing about this day was the man it was honoring. For a great hero story, check out this article from WHO TV13. 

Dr. Lance says, "When you can no longer breathe, just shrug your shoulders." Oh no!

The moral of the story: If you aren't good at something, still go for it. Push through your toughest moments to accomplish something you never thought you could do. And love the heroes in our country. They understand the importance of life and making the most of it. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Sunday Mantra

My mantra for eating healthy is "If you fail to plan, plan to fail". It is completely worth my time to prepare breakfasts and vegetables on Sunday afternoons instead of trying to find something healthy to eat before we all leave the house in the morning. 

Here are some suggestions for planning your weekly meals. 

First, find a planner for your dinners. I like this one that I've shared before in another blog post. Plan all of your meals around vegetables and proteins, and then throw in some fresh fruit and/or grains if that is part of your wellness plan. 

  • I always plan for at least one slow-cooker meal each week. Usually it's a whole chicken with whatever veggies we have in the house like carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions, etc. 
  • We have Mexican a lot, so one meal is usually spiced up. It's a great way to use leftover meat too. Meat + Salsa = Easy & Yummy dinner!
  • I try to find a new recipe each week. I am currently working my way through Everyday Paleo. Each time I try a recipe, I put a quick post-it note in there with tips for the next time I make it. 

Second, plan your breakfasts. Here's what I prepare on Sunday afternoons:

  • Sweet potatoes with grilled chicken or sausage or bacon for post-workout breakfasts. I put 1/3 of a sweet potato in each container and top it with sliced chicken, a few slices of bacon, or a small sausage patty. 
  • Scrambled Eggs--one dozen eggs usually gets us through about two mornings of breakfast. I heat up some coconut oil in a skillet, crack the eggs directly into the pan, and then scramble with a fork. Yum! 
  • Extra meat--I try to fix 1-2lbs of bacon and/or sausage to have for the week. 
Third (and the biggest struggle for me) are lunches. Usually I send leftovers with Dr. Wes and Ben, but that still leaves lunch for Will and me. 
  • Prepare veggies and fruit on Sundays. I like to have "quick" and mess-free fruit for lunches for Ben. Often it's grapes, strawberries, or blueberries. Sometimes I have to thaw out a bag of organic fruit to send, but our household much prefers fresh fruit. And bananas. Oh my goodness--we eat a ton of bananas in this house. 
  • We don't eat a lot of raw veggies (except in salad) and it's worth my time to steam broccoli  carrots, and green beans on Sundays. 
Find a day or night that works for you, and see if spending a few hours in the kitchen can save you time during the week. I bet you'll find that you are preparing healthier meals and eating out less. It saves us time, money, and makes a big difference in our family's health! 

I'd love to hear your tips too! 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Social Media Wellness

I love technology. I was the ultimate computer geek in high school and earned the computer department award my senior year. I got teased about my computer skills but then begged to solve everyone's computer problems. Now I spend most of my time online in social media forums. 

What I like most about being online is the wealth of information that is available in an instant. It's important to know which sources are reliable and which ones are garbage, but for the most part I've found some pretty awesome sites for health and wellness information. 

Here are some social media wellness tips:

Follow the sites that fit your lifestyle, or a lifestyle you desire. For example, I follow a Paleo diet so I "Like" paleo sites and products. I also follow businesses that promote exercise (Crossfit) and overall wellness. And of course, I follow countless awesome chiropractors because they know how to balance it all together. I avoid following businesses that sell cupcakes and candy. That would be dangerous.

I love Pinterest. I am one of those people who pins hundreds of things and actually accomplishes most of them. Here's my favorite tip: Create two separate boards for food related pins. One of mine is called "Fun Food" which I pin anything that sounds yummy but not Paleo/Primal, and one board called "Paleo/Primal" for healthy foods. I love having these food separated because when I am meal-planning for the week, I only look at the Primal/Paleo board for ideas and avoid being tempted by foods with grains/dairy. Most of the "Fun Food" ones are still healthy but I save these for attending pot lucks and holiday meals. I also have a board for Fitness & Health where I pin quick, at-home workouts. The workouts have all been great so far!

Check out my personal Pinterest page for ideas!

When you are searching for ideas or recipes, try searching for boards instead of just pins. For example, if I am looking for a new workout, I search for "Crossfit workout" boards and can usually find lots of great boards to start following too. 

There are lots of great blogs out there. Like Facebook, I search for keywords that suit my lifestyle. I google "Gluten Free Recipes Blog" and can find lots of great blogs by people who have put a lot of effort into creating a great, free resource for others. 

Want a good place to start? Try these!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Meal Planning Sheet and the Nyberg Meal Plan

Want to eat healthy this week? Plan Ahead or Plan to Fail. 

Before the school year started, I found this lovely weekly meal planner via Pinterest. I really like the format because I plan four meals for the week but it doesn't matter which night we eat them. It also includes a place for the ingredients we need to buy from the store which I love. I actually take this entire page with me when I go grocery shopping. The Nyberg's typically eat out at least twice a week with our favorite being Panchero's.  

What's on the Nyberg's Meal Planning Sheet this week:

1. Beef Stew with Squash from Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso (we subbed carnival squash for acorn squash, and added carrots.)

2. Pork Chops with Apples: I simply brown pork chops (in skillet) on each side in coconut oil, transfer to a 9x13 pan, add sliced apples, sprinkle with cinnamon, and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Smells awesome and tastes even better!

3. Chili: tomato sauce (without high fructose corn syrup!), chili powder, sausage/hamburger/onion, and chili beans for the men in my house. I like to add more veggies to my chili in place of the beans. Wes and my boys think all chili needs to have beans, but it doesn't fit with my paleo meals. 

4. Ben's Chicken: See my previous post for this recipe. We love it!! 

Besides the beans in the chili, we have prepared a paleo meal plan where everything is fresh, fairly local, delicious and healthy. AND FAST!!! 

And for fun, all of the groceries to make these meals (except the spices which I already had in the pantry) was well under $100. I would imagine it was closer to $50 because I also bought a lot of items for lunch & breakfast (eggs, meats, sweet potatoes, etc.) 

I'd love to know what you are eating this week or if you tried any of these recipes!



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why Your Medical Doctor Doesn't Talk About Nutrition

Have you ever wondered why your routine medical visits don't include information about what you should be eating? It isn't because your doctor doesn't think nutrition is important, it is likely because they don't know what to be advising you on. 

For years, doctors told my father was told that he should lose weight to combat cholesterol problems and to prevent heart attacks. He tried lots of "fad" diets, and had some success, but the weight always came back. (Until he completed 8 Weeks to Wellness--that's another post!) Anyway, I remember he would try walking and eating "better", but without long term success. 

Those doctors never told him how to eat. His doctors never mentioned balancing nutrition, exercise, stress, and nervous system health like chiropractors tell their patients. They never taught him how to balance protein, carbohydrates (the good kind!), and fats (the healthy ones!) 

So what makes chiropractors qualified to help patients with their eating habits? Check out this chart below. The data is from Michael Gerber's book, The E-Myth Nutirtionist

So why do chiropractors take the time to teach their patients about nutrition? Because they care. They know that nutrition, along with chiropractic care and functional movements (exercise), will lead to a better quality of life for their patients. 

Living the best quality of life is the most important thing anyone can do. And your chiropractor wants to help you. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

If you’re not working towards health, you’re regressing…

I am always inspired at church but this past week, Pastor Mike Householder, said something that really resonated with me spiritually, but also professionally as well. He mentioned that you cannot stay still with your faith, you’re either growing towards or you’re regressing. You can’t stay in the middle. The same can be said for your health. If you are not doing things to help your health, then unfortunately you’re moving towards sickness and disease.  We’ve all heard and used the excuses;  I don’t have time, eating healthy is too expensive, I have kids, I don’t know what to do, etc. I’ve used those too in the past but after being on both sides of the fence, being on the healthy side is so much better.

Our country is bombarded with ads and social pressures to worry about your symptoms. Here is the harsh reality, waiting till you “feel” something and expecting someone or something to make it better is wrong. You control your health, you are the one who does the healing and another harsh reality is that it takes time. Pain or symptoms are the last to show up, the first to go.

A great analogy I heard is symptoms are like FIRE, it’s in your face and all over and it’s all you focus on and you’ll do everything you can to get rid of it. You’ll eat well, get adjusted, stretch, and take care of yourself. But, after the pain is gone people typically stop doing all the healthy things that got them there, why? After the fire/symptoms are gone, then you need to REBUILD the home/body. This has nothing to do with symptoms. You need to make small and healthy changes on a continued basis to repair and improve your health.

Like Pastor Mike said, you need to grow daily with your spirituality, you need to grow daily with your health as well. Here are a few tips that are easy and effective; get adjusted- Your brain and spinal cord control EVERYTHING in your body, eat clean/whole food, exercise, work on your mental stress- read, pray, meditate, get massages, stay away from drugs.  In the next few articles, I’ll dive deeper into the specifics of things YOU can do to be healthy. If you need help, ask us. Our goal and purpose is to help you become healthy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Waiting Rooms & Sick Kids

I came across a Pinterest post the other day about waiting room games. I thought it was a fantastic post and it got me thinking about waiting rooms in general. I've posted before about what we do for our kids when they're sick, so today I'd like to post what it's like to take our kids to a chiropractor. 

First off, the waiting room at chiropractors' offices are generally full of healthy people with really good immune systems, so bring your child in to get adjusted when they aren't feeling well (and when they feel great too!). We always chuckle when people cancel their appointment because they are sick. Really?!?! The average wait time in our office is just a few minutes, so don't feel like you need to bring a list of activities to keep your kids busy while you're here. 

Second, feel free to share your child's symptoms with their doctor, but realize that they would be getting the same adjustment if you said nothing because the doctor will gently adjust the subluxation (where the nerve interference is). This will allow your child's body to heal itself. 

Third, you will not be given a prescription for drugs. Drugs cover the symptoms and actually hinder the body from healing itself. You might be given some instructions on how to help your child heal faster or feel more comfortable like allowing them to sleep after their adjustment, trying Vitamin C tablets to boost immunity, or warm broth for a sore throat. You will certainly be reminded that fevers are GOOD and allow the body to burn off the infection. (Be sure to monitor the fever.) 

Finally, the doctor will want to see your child again. New research is proving what we've known all along--regular chiropractic care will keep your child's body working at optimal levels and boost immunity!! (That research post is coming soon!) 

A typical visit to a chiropractor only lasts a few minutes from wait time to check out time. You will be equipped with practical information about natural healing for your child. And most importantly, your child will likely feel better faster, have a stronger immune system to prevent this illness again, and not be given drugs with harmful side effects. 


Friday, September 7, 2012

Flu Shot Facts: Read This Before You Get Yours

Q.  Does my family need the flu shot?

A. We now are starting to see the annual advertisements and scare tactics used for the seasonal flu and flu shot.  It’s interesting how the flu takes a “break” during the spring and summer. Our community needs to understand their choices and options. It’s important because they have now combined the H1N1 and the regular flu shot into one.   It’s ok to ask questions. Here are a few;

 What are the ingredients in the flu shot? The flu, Thimerisol (Mercury derivative) fertilized chicken embryos, detergents, antibiotics, and sucrose to name a few. (–flu.gov)

How do these side effects differ from getting the flu? Side effects of the flu shot; Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given, Fever (low grade), body aches, runny nose, wheezing, headache, vomiting, sore throat, and cough to name just a few.  –CDC If you or your child has ever had a reaction to a shot; you need to tell your doctor so that it is documented. They estimate that only about 2% of all adverse reactions are reported.  You can go to vaers.org for more information.

What are healthy alternatives to the flu shot that have been shown to be more effective than the flu shot?
Chiropractic adjustments; a healthy nervous system equals a healthy immune system.
Vitamin D, there is an abundant of information about the effectiveness of Vit. D and preventing the flu. You can pick up Vit. D drops at your local health food store or at most local Chiropractors’ offices. You should take about 5000-10000 IU/day.
Get plenty of rest, drink more water, exercise, get a massage, and other stress reduction techniques. Not only will these techniques help prevent the flu, they’ll make you healthier overall. Remember, the flu shot is NOT mandatory, no matter what anyone says. Be educated and make your decision after learning all the facts.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September Newsletter

Check out all of the healthy things going on at Waukee Wellness in September!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Swedish vs. Deep Tissue Massage

 What's the difference between a deep tissue massage and a Swedish massage? I get asked this question at least once a week, so I figured I would enlighten all the blog readers about this.
There are several differences between the two modalities, or types of massage. First and foremost are the technique involved. In a Swedish massage there are various massage strokes that include effluerage (gliding), kneading, friction, stretching and tapping (slapping, hacking, cupping,flicking, and beating). In a true Swedish massage the therapists hands never stop moving even when switching techniques or parts of the body. In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil or cream and performs various massage strokes that warm up and work the muscle tissue, releasing tension and breaking up muscle "knots" or adhered tissues, called adhesions. Swedish massage promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and creates other health benefits. You can receive a Swedish massage with light pressure, deep pressure and anywhere in between. Even with deep pressure only the superficial layer of muscles will be affected. Because of the techniques the deeper tissues and underlying muscles will most likely not be affected. Swedish massage is, however, the foundation for other types of Western massage, including sports massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage. Which brings me to Deep tissue.

            Deep Tissue massage is a technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the fiber's of the muscles, tendons and fascia. Deep tissue massage is used to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles not with the grain. Deep tissue massage helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or right after the massage. However, if the massage is done correctly you should feel better than ever within a day or two. When muscles are stressed, they block oxygen and nutrients, leading to inflammation that builds up toxins in the muscle tissue. A deep-tissue massage helps loosen muscle tissues, release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly. Because many toxins are released, it's important to drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces every day - the water you drink while working out does NOT count as you sweat that out right away) after a deep-tissue session to help eliminate these toxins from the body. A deep tissue massage will use less massage oil or cream to create more friction. This also helps heat up the tissue better to get better results. 

            It's important to be realistic about what one deep tissue massage can achieve. Many people ask for more pressure, thinking that if the therapist just pushes hard enough, they can get rid of all their knots in an hour. This just won't happen, and here's why: every muscle has fibers that each hold memory cells. If your muscles are held in a certain position for so long those cells remember that holding pattern. As therapists we have to reteach these muscles how to relax, which is why it can take several sessions before we see lasting relief. In fact, undoing chronic knots and tension built up over a lifetime is best achieved with an integrated program that includes exercise, work on your posture and ways of moving, relaxation techniques and a regular program of massage. Finally, while deep tissue is certainly valuable, you should be aware that gentle styles of massage like craniosacral therapy can also produce profound release and realignment in the body. We will delve into that in a later post.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Motivation You May Be Missing

I often hear people say they want to get started on a workout routine and just don't know where to start. My advice is.....just start today! If you say I'll start Monday, or I'll start tomorrow, often times we find a reason to not start that day and then we struggle to start. Let me tell you this--there will never be a perfect day to start unless that day is today. Here's some simple suggestions to get started on an easier foot:
Start by doing 25 push ups, sit ups and squats each evening before bed. After 2 weeks of that, move to doing 25 in the morning and 25 at night. This is a good one because it takes you about 10-15 minutes so you don't have the time excuse.
Start by going on a few leisurely runs. Don't plan how long or how far, just run to clear your head and enjoy the scenery. I like to find new trails or new neighborhoods to run in to change up the scenery. Sometimes that gives me the new kick to my workouts that I need.
Join a new fitness class. Many gyms offer classes that you can join....including ours! There's currently a boot camp going on in mornings or afternoons as well as a HIIT (high intensity interval training) in the mornings. Classes offer accountablity and a fun way to get moving. At our classes I offer exercise and nutrition tips and am available for questions.
Find a fun activity outside. My husband really enjoys playing tennis and basketball together and I recently started biking with my parents. Not only does that get you moving but it gives you an opportunity to work on a relationship with a spouse, friend or family member.
I encourage everyone to take advantage of these last few weeks of gorgeous weather before we can't play outside for a few months. Just get out and get moving!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Two Book Reviews

I've been trying to take more time to just sit and relax lately. It seems like our family has been really busy (like most families) and I haven't had the time to just enjoy something I love--reading. I thought I'd share my book reviews with you. I read one book for fun, The Hunger Games, and one book for knowledge, The Five Love Languages for Children.

The Hunger Games was a very easy and fast read. (I started and finished it in the same day.) I was surprised that a lot of people recommended it to me based on what the Hunger Games actually are. I don't like any book where kids have the potential to get hurt, let alone killed. However, it was very intriguing concept and I think my brain thought, if I read fast enough, everything will turn out ok. I liked the main character as she was full of determination and I liked her quiet strength. The plot was well-written, so I guess I would say that I enjoyed the book overall. But somehow that seems like the wrong thing to say.  I want to see the movie and then I'll decide it I will read the other books.

I was given the book The Five Love Languages for Children as a gift and I really enjoyed it! I read this over the past month and thought it was written exactly towards my parenting style. The basic idea is that everyone (and I think dogs too), has 5 basic love languages and it's our job to figure out how to fill up our kids' love tanks. I was glad to learn what Ben's main love language is--quality time--and know that the things we do each day are really important to him. Will's main love language is still being determined since he is so young, but I think he tends to be a physical touch little man. The book is really easy to read, and gives quick & easy ideas to do for each love language. I read the main chapters one at a time so I had the ability to try each love language for a few days before moving on to the next. The book also addresses discipline, which is always a good reminder for parents, as well as love languages in marriage. My next book purchase is definitely going to be the original book, The Five Love Languages.

I'd love to know what you're reading or if you've read these books too! Leave me a comment below! And try to find some time this week to read "just for fun".


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Newsletter

What's happening in August? Check it out and find at least one way to make yourself healthier this month.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spinal Health

Chiropractic's central interest is the relationship between impaired position/movement of spinal vertebrae and the nerve system, and the effect of this on health. 

In fact, the normal movement and position of all bones/joints and the appropriate tone and texture of all the connective tissues in the body directly affect well-being and performance. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Your Morning Meeting

Spending some time each morning getting set for the day will make you more productive and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment. It also helps you maintain a better attitude throughout the day. Spend at least 5 minutes each morning getting organized and clearing your mind so you are ready for each day!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Having Older Children at a Birth

Have you thought about having your older children at your baby's birth? In our society, we can hardly imagine having a child watch the birth of their baby brother or sister, but times were much different a few decades ago. 

If you are planning on having your child attend the birth, here are some things to consider:

  • Have a support person there just for your child. This allows them to be a witness on their own terms, and leave if things get overwhelming or they need a break. Babies can take a long time!
  • Give your child a job, like getting water for their mother. 
  • Have a bag packed for them too. This might include books, play doh, or other quiet activities. It should also include healthy snacks. 
  • Talk to them ahead of time about what to expect. You can talk about this using their senses. What are they going to see, hear, feel, etc. 
  • Don't have high expectations that they will fall in love the baby immediately or they will respond in a certain way. There are lots of things for your child to process while being at a birth. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

For the Ladies: Cardio is Not Enough!

Ladies this is especially for you---Doing only cardio for your workouts is not the answer!!! 

It's important to get some resistance training and tone up those muscles. No, you will not get bulky, unless you are specifically trying. Pick up those weights or resistance bands and work some muscles. If not for looking and feeling better, you can tell yourself that having more muscle burns more calories during the day than fat. 

Ask Emily for help if you don't know what to do! Don't go to the gym confused on how to lift, and then get frustrated with it. Please let me help you!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Don't Induce Without A Bishop Score

The Induction Seduction is alive and well in our country. Women are being induced for many reasons, many of which are not valid according to many research studies.  

One thing you should discuss with your doctor before the schedule you for induction is your Bishop's Score. The Bishop Score is a measure of how soft and ripe your cervix is before labor. It can help predict whether or not your body is ready for labor, and whether or not an induction is likely to succeed or fail.

A vaginal exam is done and the care provider evaluates the degree of:

  • cervical dilation (how far the cervix has opened so far)
  • cervical effacement (how thinned out the cervical walls are)
  • cervical consistency (how soft or firm the cervix is)
  • cervical position (whether the cervix is pointing forwards or backwards relative to the vaginal walls)
  • fetal station (how far down the baby is in the pelvis)
The exact cut-offs used differs by source, but generally a score of 5 or less indicates the woman is unlikely to go into labor spontaneously at that time, and that an induction is likely to fail (result in a cesarean).

A score of 8 or more indicates that an induction is more likely to succeed.  A score of 9 or more indicates the woman will likely go into labor on her own very soon.

Those first-time moms who were induced with a Bishop score less than 7 had a whopping 42% cesarean rate.  

This shows just how important it is to have a nice ripe cervix before inducing labor, and especially so in first-time moms, whose cervices have never dilated before.

Check out this Lamaze website for reasons why it's important to Let Labor Begin On Its Own

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fun Fact

Chiropractic today is the third largest primary health care profession in the western world next to medicine and dentistry.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fun Fact

The first adjustment ever was performed in 1895 by DD Palmer on Harvey Lliliard. Harvey was deaf in one ear and after his adjustment, his hearing was restored. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Speaking During a Massage

No matter how much I wish I could read your mind, I can NOT do this. Please be sure to speak up if the room is too hot or too cold, you experience pain- your pain should never go over a 7 on a scale form 1-10, with 10 being excruciating pain, you have any questions related to the massage, or if there's anything you forgot to mention during the consultation.

The best outcomes in your health care come from us working together as a team.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Do You Doula?

Why Do You Need a Doula?

Research found that women who received continuous labor support were less likely to experience:

  • epidural or other regional analgesia
  • any analgesia/anesthesia, including epidurals and opioids
  • birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
  • birth by Cesarean 
  • dissatisfaction or negative rating of their experience

The same study also found the following statistics with mothers having a doula present:

  • 26% less likely to give birth by Cesarean section
  • 41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
  • 28% less likely to use any analgesia and 
  • 33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience.

Other studies show that postpartum outcomes for mothers were much better when a Doula attended their birth experience. Finding show the following results of mothers:

  • enhanced breastfeeding
  • better maternal-infant interaction
  • less postpartum depression, anxiety, and greater self-esteem
  • higher maternal assessments of their baby when compared to the "standard baby"
  • greater satisfaction with the birth experience

(From a press release from Maternity Center Association, NY Sept. 2003)

Want to know more about using a doula at your next birth? Contact Katie! katie@waukeewellness.com or Katie's Doula Care

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chiropractic Care & Pregnancy

Many of our pregnant patients come to us with sciatic pain or low back pain from their growing baby during pregnancy. While chiropractic is great at relieving this pain, it does so much more for the mother and baby during this time. The following article explains why pregnancy is easier and your baby's birth will be safer when you are under regular chiropractic care. 

A lot of moms also try chiropractic care at the very end of their pregnancy when they find that their baby is breech and a Cesarean birth is getting near. While there are some success with helping a baby turn head-down at this point, preventing this from happening or correcting it early on in pregnancy has much more success. 

When should you start chiropractic care during pregnancy? BEFORE you're pregnant and keep regular appointments throughout your entire pregnancy. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Massage Homework

Please realize that there is only so much I can do during our session time. You would not expect to get the same results working out with a trainer and then not doing anything the rest of the week as opposed to training and then doing your "homework" the other days of the week. Just like your workout time, to continue the benefits of your massage you must do your homework throughout your time bewteen massage. My job is to help you improve your health. Your homeowrk can includ drinking plenty of water to keep your muscles hydrated, stretching, and practicing proper posture/ body mechanics. If you do not do these things, its like starting from scratch every time you come in for your massage and we never improve beyond what we did the previous massage session.
