I hear all the time from my clients that they don't have time to stretch. But I think we can all agree that stretching is VERY important!
What I choose to do is sit and stretch while talking to my husband or doing something else. I'm not a TV watcher, but if you are, consider sitting on the floor for a full 30 or 60-minute show and stretch. At first it may not be comfortable, but after a few consistent days you will find yourself to be more flexible and maybe even increased energy levels. Dr. Wes always tells me that one huge reason for low back pain is tight hamstrings. I can also tell you that your workouts will significantly improve when your muscles are stretched out.
Here are my suggestions for stretches to do while watching TV, talking with your spouse or kids, or even make a fun family event out of it!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Anyone else a fish-hater?! I dislike any seafood and really even hate the smell of it.
However, we are needing to add some in our diet, so the hubby and I decided to try out some tilapia. My sister showed me how to get some frozen stuff and make it in the oven. I tried it and suprisingly both of us liked it!
All I did was take the thawed out fish, wrap it in foil with some olive oil and seasonings and throw in the oven for I think 11 minutes (it says on the bag). Super simple and pretty good. I made it with a ton of sauteed veggies (Austen and my favorite) just in case we needed to 'hide' the fish taste. But we ended up really likeing the meal!
Give it a whirl!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
My Little Slice of Heaven
I'm guessing I'm not the only one amongst us all who loves to enjoy this nice weather we get to have everyday. And I'm guessing I'm not the only one who is constantly looking for a new way to enjoy it. My husband and I enjoy playing sports against each other, golfing, or just joining some friends and family at Cascade Falls in Ankeny.
I also love to go on runs by myself-both for my physical wellness and also to 'clear my head'-which brings me to the reason of this post. I'd like to think this trail I run on is my own little secret, but since it is one of the most well-known trails in Des Moines I guess we know that isn't true. It's called the Greenbelt Trail. If you have never been on this trail, I encourage you to check it out tonight or this weekend!!! It is absolutely gorgeous scenery, and when I run on it I forget everything else and just enjoy nature. My favorite spot to get on is just South of Hickman on 100th street by the Caseys across from Willis Auto. There is a parking lot right there, but if you take the road that winds between the trees you can find another parking lot a little bigger. Park your car and hit that trail! I love the fact that it follows a creek (I always have loved to be around water), is surrounded by trees to the point of you being in a tunnel of green leaves, and has pretty flowers along the way to make it smell even better. Like a little slice of Heaven :-)
Men---you could even make a date night out of it for your lady-take her on a walk and then out to dinner. You'll be feeling great and win points at the same time (you can send your thank yous to the office!).
I also love to go on runs by myself-both for my physical wellness and also to 'clear my head'-which brings me to the reason of this post. I'd like to think this trail I run on is my own little secret, but since it is one of the most well-known trails in Des Moines I guess we know that isn't true. It's called the Greenbelt Trail. If you have never been on this trail, I encourage you to check it out tonight or this weekend!!! It is absolutely gorgeous scenery, and when I run on it I forget everything else and just enjoy nature. My favorite spot to get on is just South of Hickman on 100th street by the Caseys across from Willis Auto. There is a parking lot right there, but if you take the road that winds between the trees you can find another parking lot a little bigger. Park your car and hit that trail! I love the fact that it follows a creek (I always have loved to be around water), is surrounded by trees to the point of you being in a tunnel of green leaves, and has pretty flowers along the way to make it smell even better. Like a little slice of Heaven :-)
Men---you could even make a date night out of it for your lady-take her on a walk and then out to dinner. You'll be feeling great and win points at the same time (you can send your thank yous to the office!).
Saturday, June 16, 2012
What Can Chiropractic Do For YOU?
Today I had a patient ask if chiropractic could help with eczema and it reminded me that not everyone is as blessed as me to work around Dr. Wes all the time! I can truly say I have learned so much working here for just over two years now!!
I had gone to a chiropractor since I was in middle school pretty consistently because of the example of my mom and older sister. My chiropractor back home is an awesome guy and we always had very lengthy conversations while I was in college-discussing the nervous system and how much it does, nutrition or just life.
However, I have learned so much more because I'm around it all the time here at the office. Did you know that chiropratic can improve your workouts? Or your attitude? And of course get rid of pain. Dr. Wes has helped me with so much-inlcuding regular adjustments to my knee (sore since I was little kid) and my shoulder (hurt playing basketball 2 years ago). My family has some digestion issues running through it and I have battled them since middle school. However, now with a weekly adjustment he can keep my systems running with no pain or stress. And just yesterday Dr. Wes adjusted me and relieved what felt like 800 pounds of stress off of me. I could tell an instant improvement in my attitude and felt like I was able to face the rest of the day.
Have you told Dr. Wes EVERYTHING at each of your appointments??? I would encourage you to try out an adjustment on your foot or elbow, or whatever it may be for you. Those adjustments help more than you can imagine....and why live in pain when you can stop by our awesome office and feel so much better!!!
And....at your next adjustment-ask Dr. Wes his testimony with chiropractic! You might even find out why he became a chiropractor :-)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
End of Day Inventory
Now that we are all working on our 'Power Hour' I have to encourage you to add one more thing that I have found to be very helpful.
Take an inventory at the end of your day to keep track of the things you get accomplished. This is good to stay accountable to the things you think about doing during your Power Hour. It is also a good reminder of what you get done that day-sometimes I tend to get so focused on what doesn't get done that I forget about all the tasks I did get checked off my list.
I found when I started to recall those completed tasks, I was more pleased with each day. I know Dr. Wes likes to write down 1-5 good things that happened to him that day. He told me he enjoys going back and looking at his happy moments from months and even years ago when he's having a rough day.
So get yourself a journal and start with your nightly inventory entries.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Ben's Chicken & Brocolli (Garlic Orange Curry Chicken)
I invented my own recipe AND we all love it!!! Ben asks for this dinner at least once a week and it is so easy.
2-3tbs oil: Coconut, Olive, Sesame, or my favorite--garlic infused olive oil from All Spice in the East Village
fresh squeezed orange juice & orange pieces
coconut oils/tamari/wheat free soy sauce
green onions, diced
minced garlic
1/2-1Tbsp curry powder
chicken tenderloins, breasts, or thighs (we tried the organic chicken thighs from Costco--good!)
optional: raw coconut and raw sunflower seeds for toppings
Heat up the oil over medium-high heat until hot; add orange juice, tamari, green onions, curry, and garlic. Add chicken cut up into pieces (I use my scissors to cut the chicken while it's in the skillet.) When chicken is cooked through, add broccoli. Sometimes I need to add a little bit of water or chicken stock if the pan is starting to dry out. Be sure to have enough liquid so that the ingredients don't stick or burn to the bottom of the skillet.
When broccoli is just cooked through, remove from heat and serve right away. Add fresh, raw coconut and/or raw sunflower seeds for variety.
Let me know what you think or if you made any modifications. Enjoy!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Grilling Goodness
One of the perks of summer is the fact that we get to grill some meals, or if you're like my husband and I, ALL of our meals. As soon as there isn't snow on the ground we like to get the grill warmed up and start cooking some fresh veggies and meat. Some of my favorite things to grill would be zucchini, summer squash, onions and mushrooms all mixed together with some olive oil and garlic powder for seasoning.
But I will admit I'm not always the best at eating meat. I know, I know, I need it for the protein....but that doesn't mean I love it. Thankfully, a few weeks ago my parents came to town and my family all grilled out between activities. My mom made these Meatloaf Patties that are a super great change from other burgers you may eat! I personally leave the bun off and just eat the meat with a side of veggies. It's extremely easy, very good (even my husband likes it), and you can make it healthy if you choose to.
Check it out and leave a comment on how you liked it!
Meatloaf Patties:
1 pound of lean ground pork
1 packet of Lipton Onion Soup mix
1 egg
Mix all ingredients together. Form into patties. Grill.
See how easy that is?! Enjoy!
But I will admit I'm not always the best at eating meat. I know, I know, I need it for the protein....but that doesn't mean I love it. Thankfully, a few weeks ago my parents came to town and my family all grilled out between activities. My mom made these Meatloaf Patties that are a super great change from other burgers you may eat! I personally leave the bun off and just eat the meat with a side of veggies. It's extremely easy, very good (even my husband likes it), and you can make it healthy if you choose to.
Check it out and leave a comment on how you liked it!
Meatloaf Patties:
1 pound of lean ground pork
1 packet of Lipton Onion Soup mix
1 egg
Mix all ingredients together. Form into patties. Grill.
See how easy that is?! Enjoy!
When the Nyberg Boys Go To A Medical Doctor...
We needed to have Ben's pre-Kindergarten physical done so we could get him registered. While we were there, we thought it might be a good time to have Will's "well child" check too. Having only been to chiropractors, our boys weren't quite sure what to do with the tall exam table.
The doctor sat Will up on the exam table and do you know what he did? Check this out!

Will flipped over and was ready to get adjusted! Our pediatrician got a good laugh from this. I love that our boys are so healthy that they've never needed to go to a medical doctor for any type of illness. And more importantly, they understand that chiropractic adjustments keep their bodies working at optimal levels (not drugs) and that chiropractic care provides them with the HEALTH CARE that they need.
Are you part of the health care system or the sick care system?
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Power Hour--Not Just A Drinking Game
Let's face it-everyone these days is stressed out about something and most of us have lost sight of how to deal with it. One thing I learned from going through the 8 Weeks to Wellness program and now working so closely with it for the past 2 years is just that-handling my stress. New house, change of positions here, new marriage, family stress and everything else a normal person encounters at my age has all hit me (and my friends) but it's nice to know how to deal with it....especially after watching some of my friends struggle so much with it.
8 Weeks to Wellness and Dr. Wes have taught me several ways to manage my stress levels-including adjustments, massages, exercise, mediation and my power hour each morning. Ok I will be honest-I've always been good at exercising when stressed and have never fallen into the trap of just eating my lights out. It just clicks with me-why eat 5 cookies when I'm stressed-doesn't that just add stress and worsen the situation? I get regular adjustments and massages, but the meditation has been a new thing on my to do list. I can't say I'm an expert at it quite yet, but it is something I'm definitely improving on.
And lastly my power hour-ever heard of such a thing? I actually had started doing this in college before I got hired here, but it's so nice to be in an environment that encourages I keep that up. A power hour is whatever amount of time you have in the morning (honestly when I'm up at 3:45am there is not an hour of time I can allow, but other mornings I spend at least an hour doing this) spent reading, praying, and mediating. Beyond praying and reading my books, I enjoy thinking about my day and what I want to get out of it. Who do I want to help? How many things am I going to do that day to serve others? What type of choices am I going to make that day-healthy lunch, exercise, will I have a positive attitude? I find that when I get this in every day my days go much better and I feel more fulfilled at the end of them.
I challenge everyone to try the power hour-you can even start with as little as 5-10 minutes and work your way up.
Leave a comment on how your first week of power hours go!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Super Proud Trainer!
I'm pretty excited and thought we could give some shout outs to some of my clients here at the office!! This news is just recent-each person told me this in the past week and a half....
Ann has dropped 3 FULL SIZES since January 1st
Amy has never wanted to wear tank tops before and is now feeling very CONFIDENT due to increased arm and upper back muscles.
Mike passed his Air Force Physical Fitness test-way to go Mike! He has IMPROVED so much since he started working with me in January.
Troy is down 26 pounds and his cholesterol has DROPPED 67 POINTS in the past 6 months.
Adam's body is CHANGING and he is wearing clothes that were too small for him 2 months ago.
Many more changes have happened here at Waukee Wellness, but these are just a few I wanted to brag on. Exercise can help in so many ways and we have such a great set up here because Dr. Wes, Sylvia and I work so closely and communicate about each person. If you've never worked out here before come in and give it a shot!
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