Saturday, June 16, 2012

What Can Chiropractic Do For YOU?

Today I had a patient ask if chiropractic could help with eczema and it reminded me that not everyone is as blessed as me to work around Dr. Wes all the time! I can truly say I have learned so much working here for just over two years now!! 

I had gone to a chiropractor since I was in middle school pretty consistently because of the example of my mom and older sister. My chiropractor back home is an awesome guy and we always had very lengthy conversations while I was in college-discussing the nervous system and how much it does, nutrition or just life. 

However, I have learned so much more because I'm around it all the time here at the office. Did you know that chiropratic can improve your workouts? Or your attitude? And of course get rid of pain. Dr. Wes has helped me with so much-inlcuding regular adjustments to my knee (sore since I was little kid) and my shoulder (hurt playing basketball 2 years ago). My family has some digestion issues running through it and I have battled them since middle school. However, now with a weekly adjustment he can keep my systems running with no pain or stress. And just yesterday Dr. Wes adjusted me and relieved what felt like 800 pounds of stress off of me. I could tell an instant improvement in my attitude and felt like I was able to face the rest of the day. 

Have you told Dr. Wes EVERYTHING at each of your appointments??? I would encourage you to try out an adjustment on your foot or elbow, or whatever it may be for you. Those adjustments help more than you can imagine....and why live in pain when you can stop by our awesome office and feel so much better!!! your next adjustment-ask Dr. Wes his testimony with chiropractic! You might even find out why he became a chiropractor :-)


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