Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 6 is AMAZING!

This morning I woke up feeling good. It's now 7:30pm and I FEEL AMAZING!! There could be a lot of things contributing to this:

  • Great church service with my guys and my brother's family
  • Seeing my parents for a little bit
  • Eating really well and skipping the church brunch that we typically eat (it's so good but probably not-so-healthy)
  • Taking A THREE HOUR NAP on a rainy Sunday (this is a big part I'm sure)
  • Making a really healthy dinner with Wes--our recipe is below 
  • The colon cleanse supplement finally started working
Wes & Katie's *Secret Chili
2# Ground Turkey
1# Chicken & Turkey Andoille Sausage (watch for ones that are low in fat)
2 Large Cans of Tomato Sauce
8oz Low Sodium Chicken Broth (we used Pacific Organic)
2 medium sweet potatoes
2T Chili Powder

Cook the meats separately. Once the turkey sausage is completely cooked, run through the food processor for a few seconds. While the meat is cooking, dice the sweet potatoes pretty small. Boil these for a few minutes until they are cooked through. In a large stock pot, add everything together. Bring to a boil and immediately turn the heat down to low. Enjoy!   (This served two adults, two boys, and we had four containers left for lunches this week.) 
*The secret is that we didn't tell the boys what was in the chili since they don't love andouille sausage or sweet potatoes. They LOVED this chili, even though they thought it had hot dogs in it. :) 

Bonus Picture: Me after a massage with Kendra! I LOVE her scalp therapy and it instantly made my headache much better! Looks like birds nested in my hair though. :) 

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